Here's what we know so far...
Due to the current wet weather conditions, schools and vocational colleges will continue online learning on Wednesday.
Oman News Agency (ONA) reported that the suspension of classes will continue until tomorrow [ Wednesday, 17th April] in schools and the transfer of distance learning in all public, private and foreign schools in all governorates.
With the exception for the Governorates of Dhofar and Al Wusta due to the atmosphere in the Sultanate of Oman continuing to be affected by a depression.
#بيان حول استمرار تعليق العمل في المدارس وتحويل الدراسة عن بعد في محافظات #سلطنة_عمان باستثناء محافظتي ظفار والوسطى pic.twitter.com/A33q5FCdSI
— وزارة التربية والتعليم (@EduGovOman) April 16, 2024
Be careful on the roads and keep listening to Hi FM for all the updates.